Scripture for ONE GOD

Isaiah 43:10
Strong’s Transliteration Hebrew English
859 [e] ’at·tem אַתֶּ֤ם You
5707 [e] ‘ê·ḏay עֵדַי֙ are my witnesses
5002 [e] nə·’um- נְאֻם־ declares
3068 [e] Yah·weh, יְהוָ֔ה the LORD
5650 [e] wə·‘aḇ·dî וְעַבְדִּ֖י and my servant
834 [e] ’ă·šer אֲשֶׁ֣ר whom
977 [e] bā·ḥā·rə·tî; בָּחָ֑רְתִּי have chosen
4616 [e] lə·ma·‘an לְמַ֣עַן that
3045 [e] tê·ḏə·‘ū תֵּ֠דְעוּ you may know
539 [e] wə·ṯa·’ă·mî·nū וְתַאֲמִ֨ינוּ and believe
995 [e] wə·ṯā·ḇî·nū וְתָבִ֙ינוּ֙ and understand
3588 [e] kî- כִּֽי־ for
589 [e] ’ă·nî אֲנִ֣י I
1931 [e] hū, ה֔וּא I am He
6440 [e] lə·p̄ā·nay לְפָנַי֙ Before
3808 [e] lō- לֹא־ no
3335 [e] nō·w·ṣar נ֣וֹצַר formed
410 [e] ’êl, אֵ֔ל God
310 [e] wə·’a·ḥă·ray וְאַחֲרַ֖י after
3808 [e] לֹ֥א will be none
1961 [e] yih·yeh. יִהְיֶֽה׃ become
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KJV with Strong’s Ye are my witnesses saiththe LORD and my servant whom I have chosen that ye may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me there was no God formed neither shall there be after me

ישעה 43:10 Hebrew Bibleאתם עדי נאם יהוה ועבדי אשר בחרתי למען תדעו ותאמינו לי ותבינו כי אני הוא לפני לא נוצר אל ואחרי לא יהיה׃

Isaiah 43:12
Strong’s Transliteration Hebrew English
595 [e] ’ā·nō·ḵî אָנֹכִ֞י is I
5046 [e] hig·gaḏ·tî הִגַּ֤דְתִּי have declared
3467 [e] wə·hō·wō·ša‘·tî וְהוֹשַׁ֙עְתִּי֙ and saved
8085 [e] wə·hiš·ma‘·tî, וְהִשְׁמַ֔עְתִּי and proclaimed
369 [e] wə·’ên וְאֵ֥ין and there
bā·ḵem בָּכֶ֖ם
2114 [e] zār; זָ֑ר strange
859 [e] wə·’at·tem וְאַתֶּ֥ם you
5707 [e] ‘ê·ḏay עֵדַ֛י are my witnesses
5002 [e] nə·’um- נְאֻם־ declares
3068 [e] Yah·weh יְהוָ֖ה the LORD
589 [e] wa·’ă·nî- וַֽאֲנִי־ and I
410 [e] ’êl. אֵֽל׃ God

KJV with Strong’s I have declared and have saved and I have shewed when there was no strange god among you therefore ye are my witnesses saiththe LORD that I am God

Herew Bibleאנכי הגדתי והושעתי והשמעתי ואין בכם זר ואתם עדי נאם יהוה ואני אל׃

Isaiah 44:6
Strong’s Transliteration Hebrew English
3541 [e] kōh- כֹּֽה־ Thus
559 [e] ’ā·mar אָמַ֨ר says
3068 [e] Yah·weh יְהוָ֧ה the LORD
4428 [e] me·leḵ- מֶֽלֶךְ־ the King
3478 [e] yiś·rā·’êl יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל of Israel
1350 [e] wə·ḡō·’ă·lōw וְגֹאֲל֖וֹ and his Redeemer
3068 [e] Yah·weh יְהוָ֣ה the LORD
6635 [e] ṣə·ḇā·’ō·wṯ; צְבָא֑וֹת of hosts
589 [e] ’ă·nî אֲנִ֤י I am
7223 [e] ri·šō·wn רִאשׁוֹן֙ the first
589 [e] wa·’ă·nî וַאֲנִ֣י and I
314 [e] ’a·ḥă·rō·wn, אַחֲר֔וֹן the last
1107 [e] ū·mib·bal·‘ā·ḏay וּמִבַּלְעָדַ֖י and beside
369 [e] ’ên אֵ֥ין and there
430 [e] ’ĕ·lō·hîm. אֱלֹהִֽים׃ God

KJV with Strong’sThus saith the LORD the Kingof Israeland his redeemerthe LORDof hostsI am the first and I am the last and beside me there is no God

ישעה 44:6 Hebrew Bibleכה אמר יהוה מלך ישראל וגאלו יהוה צבאות אני ראשון ואני אחרון ומבלעדי אין אלהים׃

Isaiah 44:8
Strong’s Transliteration Hebrew English
408 [e] ’al- אַֽל־ not
6342 [e] tip̄·ḥă·ḏū תִּפְחֲדוּ֙ tremble
408 [e] wə·’al- וְאַל־ nay
7297 [e] tir·hū, תִּרְה֔וּ be afraid
3808 [e] hă·lō הֲלֹ֥א not
227 [e] mê·’āz מֵאָ֛ז time
8085 [e] hiš·ma‘·tî·ḵā הִשְׁמַעְתִּ֥יךָ announced
5046 [e] wə·hig·gaḏ·tî וְהִגַּ֖דְתִּי and declared
859 [e] wə·’at·tem וְאַתֶּ֣ם and you
5707 [e] ‘ê·ḏāy; עֵדָ֑י are my witnesses
3426 [e] hă·yêš הֲיֵ֤שׁ is there
433 [e] ’ĕ·lō·w·ah אֱל֙וֹהַּ֙ God
1107 [e] mib·bal·‘ā·ḏay, מִבַּלְעָדַ֔י beside
369 [e] wə·’ên וְאֵ֥ין is there
6697 [e] ṣūr צ֖וּר God
1077 [e] bal- בַּל־ lest
3045 [e] yā·ḏā·‘ə·tî. יָדָֽעְתִּי׃ know

KJV with Strong’s Fear ye not neither be afraid have not I told thee from that time and have declared it ye are even my witnesses Is there a God beside me yea there is no God I know not any

ישעה 44:8 Hebrew Bibleאל תפחדו ואל תרהו הלא מאז השמעתיך והגדתי ואתם עדי היש אלוה מבלעדי ואין צור בל ידעתי׃

ELOAH {Strong’s # 433. aleph, lamedh, vav, he.}ELOAH is the masculine singular title for “Almighty” in the K.J. Bible when it states “LORD God”. (Deut. 32:15) “He forsook the ELOAH {aleph, lamedh, vav, he.} that made him.” In Aramaic masculine equivalent is “ELAH.” Consider that ELAH {aleph, lamedh, he.} is not the Hebrew but the Aramaic masculine singular transliterate pronunciation in the books of Ezr. Jer. and Dan.

Psalm 18:31
Strong’s Transliteration Hebrew English
3588 [e] כִּ֤י For
4310 [e] מִ֣י who
433 [e] ’ĕ·lō·w·ah אֱ֭לוֹהַּ is God
1107 [e] mib·bal·‘ă·ḏê מִבַּלְעֲדֵ֣י save
3068 [e] Yah·weh; יְהוָ֑ה Jehovah
4310 [e] ū·mî וּמִ֥י who
6697 [e] ṣūr, צ֝֗וּר rock
2108 [e] zū·lā·ṯî זוּלָתִ֥י except
430 [e] ’ĕ·lō·hê·nū. אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ׃ our God

KJV with Strong’s For who is God save the LORD or who is a rock save our God

תהילים 18:31 Hebrew Bibleכי מי אלוה מבלעדי יהוה ומי צור זולתי אלהינו׃

Deuteronomy 4:35
Strong’s Transliteration Hebrew English
859 [e] ’at·tāh אַתָּה֙ it was
7200 [e] hā·rə·’ê·ṯā הָרְאֵ֣תָ shown
3045 [e] lā·ḏa·‘aṯ, לָדַ֔עַת know
3588 [e] כִּ֥י that
3068 [e] Yah·weh יְהוָ֖ה the LORD
1931 [e] ה֣וּא He
430 [e] hā·’ĕ·lō·hîm; הָאֱלֹהִ֑ים is God
369 [e] ’ên אֵ֥ין there
5750 [e] ‘ō·wḏ ע֖וֹד other
905 [e] mil·ḇad·dōw. מִלְבַדּֽוֹ׃ him

KJV with Strong’s Unto thee it was shewed that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God there is none else beside him 

דברים 4:35 Hebrew Bibleאתה הראת לדעת כי יהוה הוא האלהים אין עוד מלבדו׃

Deuteronomy 4:39
Strong’s Transliteration Hebrew English
3045 [e] wə·yā·ḏa‘·tā וְיָדַעְתָּ֣ Know
3117 [e] hay·yō·wm, הַיּ֗וֹם today
7725 [e] wa·hă·šê·ḇō·ṯā וַהֲשֵׁבֹתָ֮ and take
413 [e] ’el- אֶל־ to
3824 [e] lə·ḇā·ḇe·ḵā לְבָבֶךָ֒ your heart
3588 [e] כִּ֤י that
3068 [e] Yah·weh יְהוָה֙ the LORD
1931 [e] ה֣וּא He
430 [e] hā·’ĕ·lō·hîm, הָֽאֱלֹהִ֔ים is God
8064 [e] baš·šā·ma·yim בַּשָּׁמַ֣יִם heaven
4605 [e] mim·ma·‘al, מִמַּ֔עַל above
5921 [e] wə·‘al- וְעַל־ and on
776 [e] hā·’ā·reṣ הָאָ֖רֶץ the earth
8478 [e] mit·tā·ḥaṯ; מִתָּ֑חַת Thahash
369 [e] ’ên אֵ֖ין there
5750 [e] ‘ō·wḏ. עֽוֹד׃ other

KJV with Strong’s Know therefore this day and consider it in thine heart that the LORD he is God in heaven above and upon the earth beneath there is none else
4:39 Hebrew Bibleוידעת היום והשבת אל לבבך כי יהוה הוא האלהים בשמים ממעל ועל הארץ מתחת אין עוד׃